Senin, 04 Juli 2011

X-Men First Class

Welcome to the blog This blog contains various information that must be useful and interesting to know. On occasion this blog will be presenting the film X-Men: First Class is certainly very interesting to know.

Here is a summary of the story X-Men: First Class.

At a mansion in Westchester County, New York, young telepath Charles Xavier meets homeless young Raven shape-shifter. Overjoyed to meet someone else "different" like him, he Invites her to live with his family. In 1962, an adult is tracking down Lensherr Schmidt to take revenge. In England, Oxford University graduate Xavier is publishing his thesis on mutation; Raven, now his foster sister, lives with him.

In Las Vegas, the CIA agent Moira MacTaggert follows U.S. Army Colonel Hendry into the Hellfire Club, where She sees Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, and Azazel.After Shaw threatens Hendry, Azazel disappears with the officer; Moments later Hendry is in the War Room, advocating That the U.S. installed nuclear missiles in Turkey. Shaw later kills Hendry, Revealing Himself as Schmidt and demonstrating the energy-absorbing mutant That power has de-aged him.

MacTaggert, Xavier's seeking advice on mutation, convinces him and Raven to join her at the CIA, where Director McCone That They convince mutants exist and Shaw is a threat. The unnamed "Man in Black Suit", another CIA executive, sponsors the mutants and Invites Them to the CIA's secret "X Division" facility. Shaw locates Xavier, arriving in time to stop Lensherr, WHO Had attacked Shaw as Shaw escapes from drowning. Xavier Brings Lensherr to Division X, where They meet young scientist Hank McCoy, a prehensile-footed mutant Whom inadvertently outs Xavier as a mutant.

McCoy, developing a bond with Raven, he promises her Will find a way to Normalize Their appearance. Xavier uses a mutant-locating device, Cerebral, to find and recruit mutants for training to stop Shaw. He and Lensherr find stripper Angel Salvadore; taxi driver Armando Muñoz, WHO takes the code name of Darwin; Army prisoner Alex Summers, Havok WHO calls Himself; and Sean Cassidy, WHO dubs Himself Banshee. Raven takes the name Mystique.

When Frost meets with a Soviet general in the USSR, Xavier and Lensherr capture her. Meanwhile, Azazel, Riptide and Shaw X Division attack, killing everyone but the young mutants Them and offering the chance to join him. Angel accepts; Pls Darwin tries to fight back, Shaw kills him. With the facility Destroyed, Xavier takes the mutants to train at his family mansion. McCoy uniforms and protective devises a stealth jet. In Moscow, Shaw compels the general to have the Soviet Union installed nuclear missiles in Cuba.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, U.S. President John F. Kennedy Institutes a blockade to stop a Soviet freighter from moving the nuclear missiles to Cuba. Shaw, wearing a helmet That foils Xavier's telepathy, accompanies the Soviet fleet to Ensure the missiles Arrive, Trying to trigger World War III and Achieve mutant ascendency. Raven goes to seduce Lensherr, WHO convinces her to embrace her nature as a mutant. Later, Raven McCoy offers his cure for her appearance, but She refuses. The cure backfires on McCoy, rendering him a leonine beast. Though ashamed of his new appearance, he Pilots the mutants and MacTaggert to the blockade line. In an ensuing battle with Shaw, Lensherr takes the helmet for Himself, allowing Xavier to immobilize Shaw. Despite Xavier's objections, Lensherr kills Shaw by forcing the Nazi coin through his brain.

Fearing the mutants, the fleets Their fire missiles at Them. In a struggle, Xavier keeps Lensherr from destroying the fleets with the missiles, but fires at Lensherr Pls MacTaggert, a deflected bullet hits Xavier in the spine. Lensherr, remorseful, leaves with Mystique, Angel, Riptide and Azazel. A wheelchair-bound Xavier and the mutants return to the mansion, where he intends to open a school. MacTaggert promises never to reveal his location and They kiss; at the CIA later, She says She has no clear memory of recent events. Lensherr, in a uniform with the helmet and calling Himself Magneto, Frost breaks from confinement.

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